Monday, 11 March 2013

Market research survey (Estate agent)

What gender are you?
o Male
o Female

What age are you?
o 18-24
o 25-36
o 36-45
o 46-56
o 57+

Please state your ethnicity.
o Prefer not to say

Are you:
o Waged or unwaged
o Student
o Other (Please specify)

What area do you live in?

What type of accommodation do you live in?
o   Flat
o   House
o   Other (Please specify)

What kind of a company do you think of when you see this logo?


Have you ever used an estate agent services?
o Yes
o No

If 'yes' how likely are you to recommend your real estate agent to others?
o Extremely likely
o Very likely
o Moderately likely
o Slightly likely
o Not at all likely

Which source of information do you use when choosing a real estate agent?
o Open houses
o Family or friend recommendation
o Social networking website
o Real estate advertisement
o Mortgage brokers
o Internet
o Yard signs
o Other (please specify)

What type of accommodation are you most interested in?
o Flat
o House
o Commercial
o Land

If our new services were available today, how likely would you be to use it instead of competing services currently available from other companies?
o Extremely likely
o Very likely
o Moderately likely
o Slightly likely
o Not at all likely

How likely would you be to recommend our services to others?
o Extremely likely
o Very likely
o Moderately likely
o Slightly likely
o Not at all likely

If you are not likely to use out services, why not?
o Don't need service like this
o Don't want service like this
o Satisfied with competing services currently available
o Cannot pay for service like this
o Other (please specify)

What do you like most about competing services currently available from other companies?

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